This blogpost is going to be all about primers. so lets start with the basic questions about this product..
- What i a primer?
- Why we use it?
- What does it do to our skin?
Keep on reading to find the answers...
A primer is the most basic step to acing any makeup look, whilst protecting your skin as well. It helps create a layer between your makeup and your skin. It prepares the face to hold all that makeup for hours, it smooth-ens the skin surface, evens out skin tone ( only if you are using a tinted primer, i don't use/like such kind of primers). Most importantly it covers and minimizes your pores and protect them from makeup entering. It smooth-ens the fine lines and basically prepares your skin for makeup and a flawless finish.
- It helps in making your makeup blend and glide smoothly.
- Better application of makeup.
- Makes your makeup last longer and keeps it intact.
- Protects the skin and your pores.
- Makes you skin look smoother.
There are endless benefits, if i keep on, but that's all...
Basically a primer creates an extra layer between your skin and makeup. To protect the skin from all those products that one puts on (if put into a precis).